Title: Over 50 Lives Lost, Thousands Affected as Massive Quake Rocks Tibet
Grisly Consequences: More Than 120 Lives Lost in Western China's Devastating 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake
Key Points
As per the Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency, a catastrophic earthquake with a minimum of 126 casualties and over 130 injuries has occurred in Xinzang, Tibet. The quake, measured at 7.1 magnitudes by the USGS and 6.8 magnitudes by Chinese officials, brought havoc to various parts of Western China and neighboring Nepal with subsequent shaking.
The earthquake's epicenter was situated near the revered holy city of Shigatse, traditionally known as the Panchen Lama's abode, the second most influential figure in Tibetan Buddhism following the Dalai Lama. Initial reports by various sources like EFE and NDTV report at least 95 fatalities and over 130 injuries, with roughly 1,000 structures collapsing or destroyed in the Tingri County.
The Aftermath
Local power and water sources have suffered disruption, and damage to roadways has been reported. The Chinese Air Force has initiated rescue efforts, deploying drones to the affected region and dispatching 1,500 firefighters and rescue personnel to the scene. Emergency supplies such as tents, quilts, and folding beds have been sent. Given the possibility of subsequent aftershocks, emergency efforts are essential to prevent additional damage and to speed up relief efforts.
The Earthquake's Impact
The earthquake's impact has been significant, with widespread damage in the Tingri County, including Shigatse. Over 1,000 homes have collapsed, and infrastructure has been shaken to the core. Tremors were also felt in neighboring countries, though damage has yet to be reported in these areas.
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The earthquake in Xinzang, Tibet, was not the only seismic activity in the region. A week prior, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake also struck Everest region in neighboring Nepal, causing minor damage and no reported casualties. The Panchen Lama, a prominent figure in Tibetan Buddhism, had to evacuate his monastery in Shigatse due to the damage caused by the earthquake in Tibet.