Title: Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen Launch New Outlet to Counter 'Authoritarian Threat'
Title: Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen Launch New Outlet to Counter 'Authoritarian Threat'
Jennifer Rubin and Norm Eisen are shaking things up with their latest project: a publication called The Contrarian. This bold new venture, with its tagline "Not owned by anybody," is a direct jab at powerful figures like Jeff Bezos, who, in Rubin's opinion, have "bent the knee" to President-elect Trump.
Their goal? To fiercely battle the looming authoritarian threat facing our nation. Instead of positioning themselves as anti-Trump, they view their mission as pro-democracy. With a diverse team of about two dozen contributors, including figures who debunked the 2020 election denialism and investigated the Capitol attack, The Contrarian aims to be an unyielding beacon for unshackled media.
The Contrarian is joining the Substack newsletter platform club alongside publications like The Bulwark and Zeteo. Starting next Monday, it will offer some content for free, but access to columns, podcasts, and videos will cost $7 a month. Norm Eisen, a regular cable news commentator and former CNN legal analyst, will serve as the publisher, while Rubin takes on the role of editor-in-chief.
Rubin's discontent with The Washington Post stems from what she sees as its failure during a crucial moment. Feeling misaligned with the paper's growing political neutrality and its management under Bezos, she highlights various controversies, including Bezos refusing to publish a satirical cartoon and Amazon's $1 million Trump inaugural fund donation, as major factors in her decision to leave.
With an unflinching stance, Ruby and Eisen, alongside humorist Andy Borowitz and other prominent contributors, aim to defy popular opinion and take on the billionaire figures seeking to curry favor with the president-elect. Fiercely independent and determined, they vow to uphold the values of courage, integrity, and independence through reported opinion, commentary, and cultural coverage.
Despite facing common hurdles like distribution and marketing, Rubin and Eisen have their sights set on the nearly 250,000 Post subscribers who canceled their subscriptions in the wake of the Post's non-endorsement scandal. Offering an ethical, uncompromised alternative, they hope to encourage these readers to join their new venture.
Enrichment Data:
Background and Goals of The Contrarian:
Jennifer Rubin and Norm Eisen aim to combat the authoritarian threat facing the United States with their new startup publication, The Contrarian. Intending to create a platform that is independent and not swayed by corporate or billionaire influence, they chose the tagline "Not owned by anybody," specifically challenging Jeff Bezos and his influence over The Washington Post.
Rubin's Resignation from The Washington Post:
Jennifer Rubin parted ways with The Washington Post due to her strong dissatisfaction with the paper's management and ownership under Jeff Bezos. She today pointed out that corporate and billionaire owners of major media outlets, including Bezos, have eroded journalism's essential mission to safeguard, protect, and promote democracy. Rubin believed that The Post's management undermined the core journalistic values of integrity, courage, and independence. Her resignation was one of many from veteran journalists displeased with The Post's management.
[1][4]: Reference to sources related to the background and goals of The Contrarian and Rubin's dissatisfaction with The Washington Post.[2][5]: Reference to sources related to Rubin's catalysts in leaving The Washington Post.
Their new publication, The Contrarian, aims to be a thorn in the side of media moguls who may wield undue influence, such as Jeff Bezos. The venture intends to provide a media platform that is unshackled and not swayed by corporate or billionaire interests.
Furthermore, this uncompromising new media outlet aims to serve as a beacon of courage, integrity, and independence in the face of powerful figures who may seek to influence the media to their own ends.